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+  Last Updated 10/07/2007 +



Here, I will try to keep a sort of journal to share with all of you about our fun adventures in Massachusetts. Just the highlights and fun pictures. The ordinary, everyday things will more than likely be excluded (such as daily park visits, grocery shopping, and laundry). Email us anytime at kimberlyandjason@yahoo.com 

+ Saturday, October 6 & Sunday, October 7, 2007 +
Our final weekend in Massachusetts. We traveled south to Rhode Island on Saturday. Specifically, we visited Roger Williams Park Zoo and historic Providence. Both locations were places that staff here at the hotel had recommended. Thankfully, they were right. The zoo was amazing and the historic buildings of Providence were beautiful. Of course, we started the day at the zoo, which sported two baby giraffes, just 4 and 2 months old. The elephants had a huge habitat and we got to see them getting a bath. They also had a very humid, but interesting Rainforest exhibit where exotic birds and Cotton-top tamarins (little monkeys) roam freely over your head in the trees above. Nathan said his favorite animal of the day was the Giant Anteater.

Next, we drove into historic Providence. The state capitol builing, built in 1891, boasts the 4th largest marble dome in the world. Quite impressive. The whole building looked to be made of marble. We drove past the First Baptist Church, founded in 1638 but built in 1775, which is the very first Baptist Church in all of the United States. Every home was dated and named for the original owner/builder and the streets were narrow and steep. There were beautiful statues in graceful parks. We also looked upon the Old State House, the Arcade (built in 1828 - is the oldest indoor shopping center), the John Brown House, and of course, Brown University, and many more.

Sunday, we again drove into downtown Boston for our last visit. We hadn't realized that we were so close to the Holocaust monument. Appropriately, it is located on the Freedom Trail. Walking through the etched glass sculptures with steam rising from the floor and reading the facts and quotes of survivors was more moving than I could have ever imagined. It was painful. Across the street, there was a demonstration for awareness of the situation in Darfur. 

Leave it to Nathan to brighten a day. He made very good friends with a statue of an elderly business man sitting on a bench. He climbed right up and sat on his lap, played with his nose, ears, eyes and hair. And right before we were leaving for the day, he planted a big kiss on him. Jason shuttered with fear that germs were just jumping all over Nathan's face. The whole thing was hilarious. All in all, a nice way to spend our last weekend in Massachusetts.

+ Saturday, September 29 & Sunday, September 30, 2007 +
This weekend we decided to visit the Boston Children's Museum. Nathan had a wonderful time climbing a 3-story sculpture all the way to the top and back down again. We played with tangram puzzles on a light table, had butterflies land on us with interactive shadow art, rolled golf balls through tubes, floated boats in a water world, and got to be on TV with "Arthur" via green-screen technology. As we were leaving the museum, I took a picture of where the Boston Tea Party Ships & Museum stood just weeks ago. At the end of August, construction work on the neighboring bridge ignited the 100 year old building. Luckily, all historical documents had been removed for the demolition and construction of a new museum. 

After getting lunch, we stopped by Fort Independence on Castle Island in Boston Harbor. We saw this structure from the airplane while descending and knew that we had to go there. The island is the oldest continuously fortified site in the U.S. None of my photos came close to presenting the magnificance of this structure. It is a 5 point, pentagonal fort, and it is huge. Such names as Lt. Paul Revere and Edgar Allan Poe are included in it's history. This is one of those places that allow us to imagine the past Americans that have walked on this same ground and feel a proud, patriotic connection. Simply amazing. 

Sunday, we went to the Franklin Park Zoo in Dorchester. It was established in 1913 and is one of the oldest continuously operating zoos in the US. It is a pretty zoo, but several animals were off exhibit due to the chilly weather. We did, however, get to see and hear a male lion roaring just ten feet or so in front of us. It gave me goose bumps but made Nathan laugh because of how the lion's body moved to make the sound from his gut. Wow. The rainforest habitat for the gorillas was pretty amazing too. They have a two year old baby, his mother, another female, and a silver back male. 

Both the lion and the silver-back seemed irritated by the flash of my camera. I felt bad for imposing, but at the same time, had to take the opportunity of getting great shots. Here are my favorites. 

+ Thursday, September 20 & Saturday, September 22, 2007 +
We were glad to have Jason's mom, aka Grandma Susan, come to visit us again. How nice it was to see family and have help. Jason and I even got to have a "date night" while she was here. 

On Thursday, she drove us down to Cape Cod for a gorgeous day at the beach while Jason was at work. We did get a little lost on the way, but once we got there we had a wonderful day. We built sand castles, and Nathan played in the waves. He even sat down in the waves for a while and filled his diaper with sand.

On Saturday, we all went back to Six Flags so Nathan and Grandma could ride in the Big Red Car together in Wiggles World. We watched the Wiggles show and did much of the same things as before, with one exception. With the built in baby-sitter, Jason and I were able to ride the award winning Superman, Ride of Steel. Oh my goodness -- the ride only lasted 3 minutes, but the drops (there must have been at least 7 big ones) were insane. My gold necklace almost slipped off over my ears. Jason said it felt like the coaster was coming off of the tracks. I said it felt like my intestines were trying to come up my throat. I didn't feel like vomiting. I really felt like my internal organs were going to find their way out either through my chest or mouth. I can't imagine the people that would want to go on this thing over and over again. They must be nuts or stupid. Anyway, we just had to buy the souvenir photo. I took a snap shot of it to show all of you. 

Sunday, we went to a bookstore here called Tatnuck's, then went back to downtown Boston for a quick visit before taking Susan to the airport. We were sad to see her go, but at least we know we only have three more weeks to go. The count down continues ...

+ Saturday, September 15, 2007 +

Home of the JFK, the Cape Years, Museum ...
but we didn't make Nathan go in there. Instead, we enjoyed the beach, the arcade, carousel, and ice cream shop where they make their own ice cream. 

Of course, we didn't mind that it poured today. Nathan has been wanting to go to the beach all week, so we mapped it out and got there. Kalmus Beach is a warm water beach in Hyannis, Cape Cod. I'm not sure if it was the rain or the usual occurence, but the beach was covered in sea shells, and horse-shoe crabs, and sea weed stuff (not kelp). We even saw a jellyfish that had washed ashore and a couple of conch shells that were covered in other sea life. I was surprised that there weren't any waves -- almost like a lake.

We had planned on making it all the way to Provincetown at the furthest point of the Cape where the Pilgrim Monument and museum is located, but a sudden migraine hit Jason during lunch and cut our adventure a little short. Regardless, we returned with a collection of 30 or so shells, and Nathan enjoyed walking the beach so it wasn't a loss in any way. Besides, Provincetown was at least another hour drive away.

+ Friday, September 14, 2007 +

Just for a change of entertainment, we decided to buy Nathan a couple 24 piece jigsaw puzzles. We thought that we would sit and put it together with him, but he barely needs our help. He quickly matches two pieces and builds upon it. We were amazed and high-fives were flying among the three of us. You can see the joy and pride on Nathan's face when he fits the last pieces. Beautiful.

+ Saturday, September 8, 2007 +

Ever since the 2nd day we were here and Nathan saw the Wiggles World brochure in the lobby, we knew that one day, we would see this colorful land. We just didn’t know it would be 99 degrees plus humidity, but what a wonderful day it was. This was the first time Nathan had been to a big theme park. This Six Flags not only had Wiggles World, but also a Looney Tunes area, Superman stuff, and Thomas the Train Town.

Our boy loves to dance and sing so he thoroughly enjoyed the music playing and the big Wiggles show they put on. He was thrilled to meet Dorothy the Dinosaur, Wags the Dog, Captain Feathersword, and Scooby Doo and got to drive the Big Red Car 5 times, the Big Red Airplanes, Wags’ Doggie-Copter, and Thomas the Train. We also went on Captain Feather Sword’s Pirate Ship which we thought would just swing back and forth (we hadn’t actually seen it move). It not only rocked but went into spinning too. It was exciting for me and Jason, so it almost goes without saying that Nathan wanted off
of that ship. He is no dare devil, for sure. Still, he stuck it out and we just felt horrible for not watching what we were getting into first.

He played games and won prizes all by himself. We wrapped up the day by buying our souvenir photo and riding the carousel. Nathan was asleep before we even started the car to come back to the hotel. He is still talking about it all, so we might have to make another trip back to Wiggles World.

Toot-toot, Chugga-chugga, Big Red Car

+ Monday, September 3, 2007 +
It finally happened. Nathan uttered the words “I want to get a hair cut now.” He knew a hair salon was next door, and as we were walking out of a toy store, he said it. He was a little apprehensive at first, but was a very brave boy sitting on daddy’s lap and oh so proud of himself and the lollipop he earned after. And yes, it still curls when it is wet. So cute.

Nathan & his mane flying Diaper Box Air

A very proud Big Boy

+ Sunday, September 2, 2007 +
Not as large as Monterey Bay Aquarium but it has a very cool layout. We were able to watch the Harbor Seals swimming/training in their tank before we even got our tickets. The aquarium had penguins in one area and then the main feature was a huge cylindrical tank that a ramp circled around and round. That held full grown sea turtles, large sharks, eels, all sorts of big fishies. But even with all the wild life, Nathan’s favorite thing to watch was the scuba man feeding the fish. Nathan also got to touch star fish & a horse-shoe crab.

+ Saturday, September 1, 2007 +
Southwick Zoo is close to where we are staying in Westborough so we thought we would check it out when the hotel staff and some of Jason’s co-workers said it was a nice, “small” zoo. Well, I can’t wait to see their large zoo because this place had a lot to offer. They had a huge tortoise, tons of monkeys, chimps, rhinos, yaks, white tigers, lions, elephants, and a really cool walk-through deer forest. The deer came up to Nathan and ate right out of his hand. Nathan even got to enjoy his first pony ride. 

+ Saturday, August 18, 2007 +

How inspiring Harvard’s Campus is. I loved every moment of walking that campus. The architecture was amazing and over every gateway into the campus were the words “Enter to Grow in Wisdom”  -- I thought of my Neno a lot there.

Harvard University Campus Entrance
“Enter to Grow in Wisdom”

Harvard University Tower

+ Saturday, August 18, 2007 +
This is our first weekend here so we absolutely had to go see beautiful, historic Downtown Boston. It really was amazing. We parked the car and walked several blocks through the public gardens, watched the swan boats go under the bridge, and admired many statues along the way. When we got through the gardens, we partially followed signs for the Freedom Trail and saw so much along the way – where the Boston Massacre occurred, historic burial grounds, a clock tower, & church after glorious church. At the end of our trek was Fanueil Hall & Quincy Market. This is similar to Pier 39 in a way. There are lots of street performers, food, shops, street vendors, and penny smashing machines.

Alexander Hamilton

Nathan running to see
George Washington

George Washington - larger than life

 We were waiting to cross the street when Jason turned around and pointed this out to me. It is a revolutionary war memorial.

Fanueil Hall & Samuel Adams

 Nathan’s favorite street performer plays bucket drums … man, he is good.

+ Sunday, August 12, 2007 +
We have arrived in this strange place. We were driven past Fenway and through the Big Dig tunnels on the way here. Our flight was great. Nathan slept for 2 of the 5 hour flight. The only interesting fact on the plane was changing a poopy diaper in a shoe-box sized restroom. Not pretty nor funny really. We were going to try to get by without a rental car, but after just 3 days it was apparent that I needed one to keep my sanity. There is nothing walking distance to or from our hotel. Not even a bus stop.