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+  Last Updated 3/10/09  +

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    + 2008 Photos (click on any photo to enlarge it)

January 2008
In his ball pool

February 2008
Trip to the snow

March 2008
Who needs egg dippers with hands like these?

Easter 2008
Matt, Jason, & Nathan figuring out their Easter egg loot

April 2008
Rock Band Rocker

April 2008
Nathan &

April 2008
Nathan, Aubrey, & Grandma taking a dip in the pool

May 2008
Grandma Brown & Nathan in his new playhouse

May 2008
Daisy thinks she saw a squirrel

May 2008

May 2008
Nathan's 3rd Birthday
at the park with friends

June 2008
Nathan & Daddy at Aubrey's 1st birthday party

July 2008
Disney Cruise

July 2008
Disney Cruise
New Peter Pan toys

July 2008
Disney Cruise
Origami turn-down service

July 2008
Disney Cruise
Argh matey's!

August 2008
Day trip to SF

August 2008
Ty, Nathan, & Matt
making silly faces for me at Marine World


August 2008
Uncle Billy & the boys
riding Tava, the elephant at Marine World

September 2008
Push-up enjoyment

October 2008
Pumpkin Patch Trip 1

October 2008
Pumpkin Patch Trip 2

October 2008
Peter Pan

November 2008
Hiking field trip

November 2008
We made white chocolate turkey pops

November 2008
The Cousins at Tammy's for Thanksgiving

December 2008
Police Helmet Hero

December 2008
Tyler, Nathan & Matthew at the end of Christmas weekend