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+  Last Updated 3/10/09  +

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    + 2009 Photos (click on any photo to enlarge it)

January 2009
Our new baby at 11 weeks

January 2009
Trip to the snow

February 2009
Daisy found a peanut in the sandbox

February 2009
Gorilla at the SF Zoo

February 2009
Our little ham at the SF Zoo

March 16, 2009
Baby Girl Ultrasound
full body - head on right

March 16, 2009
Baby Girl Ultrasound
face - tilt your head to the right

March 16, 2009
Baby Girl Ultrasound
little feet - about 1.5" long

March 16, 2009
Baby Girl Ultrasound
little butt cheeks & feet

March 16, 2009
Baby Girl Ultrasound
spine image

April 5, 2009
Mom's Club Easter Egg Hunt

May 29, 2009
Nathan, Lylah, & Miss Linda
last day of preschool

April 13, 2009
Easter Morning with the Flu

April 25, 2009
Bath time with Daddy

May 6, 2009
Nathan dressed up to play hockey in the house

June 1, 2009
Whistling and playing with some birthday Legos

May 31, 2009
4th Birthday Blowout
Star Wars Legos theme

June 17, 2009
Nathan & his buddy Colin

July 27, 2009
Kissing the baby belly
as he did often

August 8, 2009
Welcome Katelyn!
8 lbs, 7 oz, 21.5 inches

August 8, 2009
Around 30 seconds old

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009
Katelyn & Gramma Susan

August 8, 2009
Nathan sees his sister
for the first time

August 8, 2009
Katelyn & Grandma Brown

August 8, 2009
Me & my sweet peas

August 8, 2009
Our little family

August 8, 2009

August 8, 2009
Getting a little silly

August 9, 2009
Katelyn & her Daddy

August 11, 2009
Sweet, sleepy baby

August 26, 2009
Katelyn 2.5 weeks old

August 26, 2009
Katelyn 2.5 weeks old

August 26, 2009
Nathan 4 years old
He came up with the pose.

August 26, 2009
Nathan 4 years old
He came up with the pose.

August 31, 2009
Nathan & Katelyn
the first time he would hold her long enough for a photo.

September 10, 2009
Nathan's 1st Day of School

September 10, 2009
Flower Power

September 10, 2009
Tie-Dye was the
theme of the day

September 13, 2009
Katelyn all smiles

September 16, 2009
The cutest little booties!

September 22, 2009
Dog Pile Daddy

September 28, 2009
Aubrey's 1st Pony Ride

September 28, 2009
Nathan and Jason with
Storm Troopers at Kids Faire

October 4, 2009
4 Generations
Joan (called JoAnn)
Shirley Ann
Kimberly Ann
Katelyn Ann

October 12, 2009
Smiling in the bouncy seat

October 15, 2009
Nathan & Katelyn

October 15, 2009
This smile should've
been a laugh!

October 16, 2009
Entertaining Katelyn

October 17, 2009

October 17, 2009
Sweet sleeping angel