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+ Domain Name Registration &
Website Hosting Companies

+ Color Chart
+ Online Printers &
Other Tools I Love


Mann Graphic Design & Kimberly Mann are not affiliated with nor receive benefits or monies from the following vendors. I realize that there are many services provider choices available and I have not tested them all (although I have worked with many). I simply have my favorites that I highly recommend to my family, friends, and clients based on both pricing and the level of customer service I have experienced in the past.

Please use the menu at left to view my recommendations for each of the categories. If you have a question about any of them or a question about any that you don't see, just ask. I will give you my honest opinion on any companies that I have tried in the past.





Mann Graphic Design is a full service graphic design and web development studio offering unique design solutions.
Located in Livermore, California, serving clients across the United States.

Kimberly Mann   :   Mann Graphic Design   :   Livermore, California




